Gesture Bottle - Ruby / Opal w/ Stand
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle Black and Blue
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle, Copper Blue and White - 2018
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle Golden Foot
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle, Two Feet Steel Blue and Gold
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle OxBow
Created while teaching a two week intensive at OxBow School of Art, Michigan. 2015.
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle Black
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle Big Orange
Donated to the 2018 Crucible Fire and Light Soiree and Art Auction
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottle Blue and Gold Pair
Donated to the 2016 Pilchuck Annual Auction Gala: An annual fundraiser for the Pilchuck Glass School, supporting and educating a worldwide community that explores the creative use of glass in art and design.
LSFraser Glass Gesture Bottle Wine Red
2016, private collection of C. Shirley.
LSFraser Glass - Gesture Bottles Blue and Gold Pair #2
Donated to the 2016 Pilchuck Annual Auction Gala: An annual fundraiser for the Pilchuck Glass School to support their leadership in developing the creative uses of glass and inspiring future generations of artists.
LSFraser Glass - Experimental Bottle Hyacinth
First experimental bottle form, 2015.